Tomas Abellan is the owner of this hidden Gem in Barcelona, BAR ALEGRIA, perhaps wont be so hidden much longer. Tomas studied in New York photography and when he got back to Barcelona 10 years ago, he combined working with his dad Carles Abellan at commerce 24 with photography working in different productions and continue with the management of all his dad other business. In January 2019 started this new adventure of having his own business. Bar Alegria is a very Barcelones food, as he describes it. A must stop in the city.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Dessert Beach 

What is your current state of mind?


Which Super Power would you most like to have?

To fly 

Where would you most like to live?


Fav cooking book?

Fav Chef, Albert Adria Favorite book, las tapas del comerc 24 

Fav Food Market in Barcelona?

I have different place for different things, perhaps Market, el Ninot, la teca de la viniteca 

What is your Motto?

The power of now

Where & Whom would you like to have a Beer with?

Wine on a cliff with power energy, Perhaps in Asturias, Pau Dones 

What is the latest record that you have listened to?

Tom petty , Damn The Torpedoes. 

Inside tip from Barcelona?

Passage sert, walking cross from ravel to the born through all the back street and squares